Basic Features

Aurora has a handful of useful features allowing you to get up and theming quickly. Many of the features from Aurora 2.x have been moved to the Magic module, so be sure to install Magic to get the most out of Aurora.

HTML5 Templates

Aurora comes with many of Drupal's default templates updated to use the proper HTML5 syntaxes as well as proper ARIA roles. It also comes with an HTML5 Figure layout for Display Suite and an HTML5 Sections layout for Panels which is a fork of the Flexible layout, but only allowing for rows, thus allowing for source ordering and grouping. The Panels Sections layout produces much cleaner default HTML than then Flexible layout, and you can edit the attributes of the output with the following hook:


Internet Explorer Support

Old Internet Explorer support is a pain. Aurora comes with a couple of ways of making it easier. A dropdown menu allows you to choose your minimum supported IE version, which will add an .lt-ie{version} to your HTML for versions of IE less than your supported version of IE.

Development Options

A select box will allow you to add the LiveReload JavaScript snippet to all of your pages, allowing you to have your site automatically reload on changes. This is very useful for designing in browser.

Typekit Integration

We love web fonts, yes we do! We love web fonts, how 'bout you?! Aurora comes with built-in support for Typekit. Simply add your Typekit's Kit ID into the Typekit settings and Aurora automatically adds in the advanced, asymmetric font loading code for your kit.


Aurora also has an option to prune your <style>, <link>, and <script> tags as suggested by Nathan Smith.

Advanced Features

Aurora comes with some advanced features that you need to install separately if you would like to use. These features will greatly improve your development experience, so we encourage you to use them.


If you would like to take advantage of Bower integration, first make sure you have installed Bower, then from your command line, type the following in:

yo drupal-theme:extras

This will install a components.json file as well as a .bowerrc file to allow you to use Bower out of the box. Aurora's provided components.json includes a Formalize dependency for added normalization across browsers. To install it, from your command line, type the following in:

bower install


If you would like to take advantage of the Gulp integration, first make sure you have installed Gulp, then from your command line, type the following in:

yo drupal-theme:extras

This will install a gulpfile.js file as well as a package.json file to manage your Gulp dependencies.

To install the Gulp dependencies, from your command line, type the following in:

npm install

Gulp Documentation in the works