
Aurora is designed as a base theme, the code of which should not be touched and which should never be used as a stand-alone theme. Creating subthemes is now done through Yeoman. Make sure you have installed all prerequisites, then within your theme folder, run:

yo drupal-theme

You will be prompted for your project name, and the type of project you want to start. There are several flavors of Aurora, each listed below. You can also optionally add a gulpfile.js or bower.json file along with your project. If you do not select one of these options, you can add them in later with:

yo drupal-theme:extras

When the generator runs, it will grab all dependencies that are required. This will


The Aurora subtheme flavor is the original partial structure built for the theme. The partial structure consists of four parts; a global folder for partials that can be used across multiple output files but do not inherently write CSS, a style guide folder for building a style guide, a layout folder for holding layouts, and a design partial for holding styling. The basic philosophy of this partial structure is to build a style guide, then theme your site while keeping layout and design separate.


The Corona subtheme flavor is a partial structure designed to get out of your way and theme. It has very little structure to it, a base folder for partials that can be used across multiple output files but do not inherently write CSS, a global folder for styles that affect the whole site, and a design folder for holding your general designs.


The Polaris subtheme flavor is a partial structure designed for ease of use with SMACSS. The partial structure consists of five parts; a global folder for partials that can be used across multiple output files but do not inherently write CSS, a style guide folder for building a style guide, a layouts folder for holding your SMACSS layouts, a modules folder for holding your SMACSS modules, and a states folder for holding different state styles. This partial structure differs from the one described in the book, but is much more usable in the real world.